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Friday, February 3, 2012

Overview of trading Forex online

How a Forex system operates in real time
Online foreign exchange trading occurs in real time. Exchange rates are
constantly changing, in intervals of seconds. Quotes are accurate for the time
they are displayed only. At any moment, a different rate may be quoted.
When a trader locks in a rate and executes a transaction, that transaction is
immediately processed; the trade has been executed.
Up-to-date exchange rates
As rates change so rapidly, any Forex software must display the most up-todate
rates. To accomplish this, the Forex software is continuously
communicating with a remote server that provides the most current exchange
rates. The rates quoted, unlike traditional bank exchange rates, are actual
tradable rates. A trader may choose to “lock in” to a rate (called the “freeze
rate”) only as long as it is displayed.
Trading online on Forex platforms
The internet revolution caused a major change in the way Forex trading is
conducted throughout the world.
Until the advent of the internet-Forex age at the end of the 1990’s, Forex
trading was conducted via phone orders (or fax, or in-person), posted to
brokers or banks. Most of the trading could be executed only during business
hours. The same was true for most activities related to Forex, such as making
the deposits necessary for trading, not to mention profit taking. The internet
has radically altered the Forex market, enabling around the clock trading and
conveniences such as the use of credit cards for fund deposits.
Forex on the internet: basic steps
In general, the individual Forex trader is required to fulfill two steps prior to
• Register at the trading platform
• Deposit funds to facilitate trading
Requirements vary with each trading platform, but these steps bear further
Registration is done online by the individual trader. There are various forms
used in the industry. Some are quite simple, where others are longer and
more time-consuming. In part, this can be attributed to governmental or
other authorities’ requirements, though some Forex platforms require more
information than is actually needed. Some even require a face-to-face
meeting, or to obtain hard copies of required documents such as a passport,
or driver’s license.
The key requirements for registration are the trader’s full name, telephone,
e-mail address, residence, and sometimes also the trader’s yearly income or
capital (equity) and an ID number (passport / driver’s license / SSN / etc.).
Typically, the Forex platform is not required to run a thorough check, but rely
on the registrant to be truthful. Nevertheless, each Forex platform conducts
certain routines, in order to check and verify the authenticity of the details
Registrants are required to declare that funds used for trading are not in
question, and are not the result of any criminal act or money laundering
activity. This is mandatory as part of a global anti-money laundering effort

Questions and answers about market making

What is a market maker?
A market maker is the counterpart to the client. The Market Maker does not
operate as an intermediary or trustee. A Market Maker performs the hedging
of its clients' positions according to its policy, which includes offsetting
various clients' positions, and hedging via liquidity providers (banks) and its
equity capital, at its discretion.
Who are the market makers in the Forex industry?
Banks, for example, or trading platforms (such as Easy-Forex™), who buy and
sell financial instruments “make the market”. That is contrary to
intermediaries, which represent clients, basing their income on commission.
Do market makers go against a client's position?
By definition, a market maker is the counterpart to all its clients' positions,
and always offers a two-sided quote (two rates: BUY and SELL). Therefore,
there is nothing personal between the market maker and the customer.
Generally, market makers regard all of the positions of their clients as a
whole. They offset between clients' opposite positions, and hedge their net
exposure according to their risk management policies and the guidelines of
regulatory authorities.
Do market makers and clients have a conflict of interest?
Market makers are not intermediaries, portfolio managers, or advisors, who
represent customers (while earning commission). Instead, they buy and sell
currencies to the customer, in this case the trader. By definition, the market
maker always provides a two-sided quote (the sell and the buy price), and
thus is indifferent in regards to the intention of the trader. Banks do that, as
do merchants in the markets, who both buy from, and sell to, their

Can a market maker influence market prices against a client’s position?
Definitely not, because the Forex market is the nearest thing to a “perfect
market” (as defined by economic theory) in which no single participant is
powerful enough to push prices in a specific direction. This is the biggest
market in the world today, with daily volumes reaching 3 trillion dollars. No
market maker is in a position to effectively manipulate the market.
What is the main source of earnings for Forex market makers?
The major source of earnings for market makers is the spread between the bid
and the ask prices. Easy-Forex™ Trading Platform, for instance, maintains
neutrality regarding the direction of any or all deals made by its traders; it
earns its income from the spread.
How do market makers manage their exposure?
The way most market makers hedge their exposure is to hedge in bulk. They
aggregate all client positions and pass some, or all, of their net risk to their
liquidity providers. Easy-Forex™, for example, hedges its exposure in this
fashion, in accordance with its risk management policy and legal
For liquidity, Easy-Forex™ works in cooperation with world's leading banks
providing liquidity to the Forex industry: UBS (Switzerland) and RBS (Royal
Bank of Scotland).